Aero Motion

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Commercial UAVs Operating In Environmental Rehabilitation Projects

Our scope of operations includes precision agriculture, the aerial application of approved chemicals, reseeding, and incendiary hazard reduction burns, survey and mapping grade data acquisition using LIDAR and photogrammetry and processing, asset inspections such as telecommunications towers and other utility infrastructure, search and rescue, and coastal patrols.

The effective use of unmanned aircraft and systems allows for reduced operating costs and in most cases a precision and automated flight path. This precision is essential when identifying weed species and then with the correct selection, and aerial application of the product can dramatically improve the outcome from a weed management perspective.

We are also capable of aerial incendiary operations with our aircraft and have the capabilities to provide a heavy-lift UAV for precision long lining, a rapidly expanding field of application for UAVs. 

We're excited to be a part of this industry and the rapidly expanding applications of UAVs to environmental applications.